ini lah yang dikatakan akhir zaman bila hukum yang berlandaskan syariah dikatakan 'torture' atau menindas.
yang kata tu bukan orang lain, nama dah macam muslim. mentang-mentanglah kerja dengan Ngo antarabangsa. kalau dah sendiri bengong, janganlah ajak orang lain sama.
Whipping for beer-drinking model sparks debate in Malaysia
An Islamic court's decision to have a Muslim model whipped for drinking beer at a pub has triggered controversy in Malaysia, a multicultural country where such convictions are extremely rare.
Last week, a Sharia or religious court sentenced Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, 32, to six strokes of the cane and a fine of 5,000 ringgit (1,412 dollars) after she pleaded guilty to consuming alcohol in eastern Pahang state last year.
Her conviction created a furore in the nation which is predominantly Muslim, but also home to large Indian and Chinese minorities. Alcohol is widely available in most parts of the country and Muslims are rarely punished for consuming it.
"The punishment of whipping is defined as torture and hence we should not in any way condone it," said Amnesty International Malaysia executive director Nora Murat.
"This is the wrong way to educate anyone about the religion. When the sin is between her and God, there is always an option of being repentant. It's up to God to decide on her faith, and not people," she told AFP.
Most were stunned that whipping of women was permitted in Malaysia's Islamic courts, which operate alongside civil courts under a dual-track system.
"It's not just unkind, it's unjust," leading women rights activist Ivy Josiah told the New Straits Times newspaper, while Women's Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil reportedly said that while she did not approve of Muslims drinking, she was shocked by the ruling.
Islamic scholars however argued the punishment was necessary to deter other Muslims from drinking.
Harussani Zakaria, an influential mufti or religious scholar, said the punishment was "very lenient" as Islamic law allows for up to 40 strokes of the cane for any Muslim caught drinking.
"The (punishment) meted out on her is just to shame her and educate her. The judge is doing the right thing," said the mufti.
Urging other judges to hand down similar judgements in future, he said a fine was no longer effective in deterring Muslims from drinking alcohol, which is forbidden under the religion.
"The cane to be used in this case is not the same as in prison and they will be fully dressed (when being caned), because it's meant to shame them. Even if a person is caned 40 times, it won't cause death," Harussani said.
Experts said it was unclear whether such a sentence had been carried out before, and there has been much discussion over who should carry it out, and how.
In the civil courts, where caning is a common penalty for serious crimes including rape, it is carried out with a long, thick length of rattan which causes intense pain, breaks open the skin and leaves lasting scars.
However, the cane to be used on Kartika will reportedly be less than four feet long and half an inch thick, and the blow is not administered on the bare skin.
The person wielding the cane is banned from lifting it above their head, so the force of the blow is not as hard.
Even as the debate raged, Kartika reportedly said she would not appeal and wanted to "hasten" the punishment so she could get on with her life.
"I will accept this earthly punishment, let Allah decide my punishment in the hereafter," said the mother of two, who has been living in neighbouring Singapore for 15 years after marrying a citizen of the city-state, according to the New Straits Times.
"I want to advise youngsters to learn from my experience and not cause shame to themselves and their families," she added.
Catatan perjalanan seorang muhandis dari sebuah kampung di perlis, berkelana mencari rezki dalam bidang construction hingga ke serata malaya dan kemudian terdampar sehingga ke bumi india dan bosnia atas sebab-sebab yang hanya DIA yang mengetahui...............
Thursday, July 30, 2009
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