Friday, July 31, 2009

follow or not follow

last time i mentioned that few people manage their bos by please way or follow what ever bos want. or kow tow to anything.

to what extend they follow their is something nobody can predict.
maybe there will be some limitation. maybe all the way until bos hate them.

should we follow or dispute all? or partly?
any of above have good and bad impact. then what is good and how?

sometimes it depend on organization. goverment? GLC?prive own? any of this have their own character and uniqueness.

moderate and truthfull approach might be the best but we wont be anyware.

some bos might become dictator and some might be democratic but ultimately the number one will have final say.

ang the higher we move, the difficult the politics will be.


baru-baru aku terjumpa dalam internet seorang penulis ( radzi shapiee )mempromosi sebuah buku yang namanya 'rumah azan' seperti gambar di atas. buku ini berdasarkan lawatan dan permerhatian terhadap beberapa majid yang di pilih di beberapa tempat di malaysia.

yang nak dipanjangkan di sini bukanlah rumah azan atau masjid tetapi azan itu sendiri.
di eropah ini hanya di bosnia herzegovina sahaja azan masih dilaungkan secara terbuka pada setiap waktu. walaupun komposisi penduduk islam dan buka islam tidak jauh beza tetapi ianya tidak menjadi sebarang masalah dan pembinaan masjid juga semakin bertambah.
keadaan sebaliknya berlaku di singapura, walaupun asal usul dulu tanah orang islam tapi sekarang ini azan sudah tidak dibenarkan.
di malaya telah ada percubaan untuk memberhentikan azan dilaungkan awal tahun ini. keadaan tegang berkurangan bila suara-suara yang membantah makin perlahan.kalau orang islam leka, tidak mustahil satu hari nanti akan ada usaha-usaha memberhentikannya. banyaklah alasan-alasan yang karut akan di berikan dan yang lebih malang ada satu puak orang islam sendiri yang setuju dengan puak-puak kafir atas nama toleransi beragama. bila ada orang islam kena sembelih hilang pulak toleransi.

kenapa azan ini penting?

sebenarnya secara kita tidak sedar, sistem azan yang ada menunjukkan yang setiap masa di mukabumi allah ini akan ada azan memanggil orang bersolat.
ini kerana azan akan dilaungkan pada masa-masa yang berbeza mengikut tempat. jadi dalam duapuluh empat jam. tiap-tiap saat akan ada tempat yang sepatutnya melaungkan azan.ianya tidak akan putus dan jika seluruh tempat ada oranag islam dan azan dibenarkan, maka akan bersambung-sambunglah azan.
jadi bila seruan azan ini akan ada dimana-mana, maka pangilan solat akan berkemundang dan akan ramai orang bersolat dan bila ramai orang islam bersolat terutama solat jemaah,maka islam akan menjadi kuat kembali. jadi inilah yang puak-puak kafir tak mahu kerana kebangkitan islam akan bermula bila ramai orang mula berjemaah solat subuh.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

bila akhir zaman

ini lah yang dikatakan akhir zaman bila hukum yang berlandaskan syariah dikatakan 'torture' atau menindas.

yang kata tu bukan orang lain, nama dah macam muslim. mentang-mentanglah kerja dengan Ngo antarabangsa. kalau dah sendiri bengong, janganlah ajak orang lain sama.

Whipping for beer-drinking model sparks debate in Malaysia

An Islamic court's decision to have a Muslim model whipped for drinking beer at a pub has triggered controversy in Malaysia, a multicultural country where such convictions are extremely rare.

Last week, a Sharia or religious court sentenced Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, 32, to six strokes of the cane and a fine of 5,000 ringgit (1,412 dollars) after she pleaded guilty to consuming alcohol in eastern Pahang state last year.

Her conviction created a furore in the nation which is predominantly Muslim, but also home to large Indian and Chinese minorities. Alcohol is widely available in most parts of the country and Muslims are rarely punished for consuming it.

"The punishment of whipping is defined as torture and hence we should not in any way condone it," said Amnesty International Malaysia executive director Nora Murat.

"This is the wrong way to educate anyone about the religion. When the sin is between her and God, there is always an option of being repentant. It's up to God to decide on her faith, and not people," she told AFP.

Most were stunned that whipping of women was permitted in Malaysia's Islamic courts, which operate alongside civil courts under a dual-track system.

"It's not just unkind, it's unjust," leading women rights activist Ivy Josiah told the New Straits Times newspaper, while Women's Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil reportedly said that while she did not approve of Muslims drinking, she was shocked by the ruling.

Islamic scholars however argued the punishment was necessary to deter other Muslims from drinking.

Harussani Zakaria, an influential mufti or religious scholar, said the punishment was "very lenient" as Islamic law allows for up to 40 strokes of the cane for any Muslim caught drinking.

"The (punishment) meted out on her is just to shame her and educate her. The judge is doing the right thing," said the mufti.

Urging other judges to hand down similar judgements in future, he said a fine was no longer effective in deterring Muslims from drinking alcohol, which is forbidden under the religion.

"The cane to be used in this case is not the same as in prison and they will be fully dressed (when being caned), because it's meant to shame them. Even if a person is caned 40 times, it won't cause death," Harussani said.

Experts said it was unclear whether such a sentence had been carried out before, and there has been much discussion over who should carry it out, and how.

In the civil courts, where caning is a common penalty for serious crimes including rape, it is carried out with a long, thick length of rattan which causes intense pain, breaks open the skin and leaves lasting scars.

However, the cane to be used on Kartika will reportedly be less than four feet long and half an inch thick, and the blow is not administered on the bare skin.

The person wielding the cane is banned from lifting it above their head, so the force of the blow is not as hard.

Even as the debate raged, Kartika reportedly said she would not appeal and wanted to "hasten" the punishment so she could get on with her life.

"I will accept this earthly punishment, let Allah decide my punishment in the hereafter," said the mother of two, who has been living in neighbouring Singapore for 15 years after marrying a citizen of the city-state, according to the New Straits Times.

"I want to advise youngsters to learn from my experience and not cause shame to themselves and their families," she added.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ask stupid question now

when i just start work seventeen years ago, my first bos give me an advice which stuck to me until today. he says you must ask question during your work especially at site and if you ask stupid question its better now rather than after few years working.

later agree and realise how correct he is. when we are young and fresh just graduate, people will still forgive if we ask so called stupid question but when we already have few years experiance, people will immediately say how can you ask this kind of question...bla..bla...and some unwanted ceramah. they will even behind our back tell everybody about the story and made conclusion how stupid we are. this story will rewind and rewing from time to time. you will not have much to counter it.

actually its very hard when you are fresh to ask question because we normally enter working with zero experiance and what we learn at university will not help much.
and as many questin we will ask some will ended stupid one!

not ask any question also problem but if we ask stupid question........?????

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

gomen KRA yang baru

semalam di war-warkan KRA untuk gomen sehingga tahun 2012 @ PRU 13.

ni betul-betul untuk rakyat ka atau untuk menang pilihanraya?

macamana kaedah DS memantau? boleh cerita sikit ka? ada guna kepnor tregor kut....

takan tiap-tiap minggu terima dan baca report ja........

sama-samalah kita tunggu terutama sasaran no 2. sapalah agak-agaknya akan kena?

STAR Tuesday July 28, 2009

Targets set for the six Key Result Areas

Najib announces KPIs and NKRA

The Government’s promise of an improved delivery system takes flesh with the Prime Minister’s unveiling of the short-term targets for the six National Key Result Areas.

1.Reduction of crime rate

> Reduce street crime, including snatch thefts and unarmed robbery, by 20% by the end of 2010.

> Re-train Rela members to help improve public perception on safety.

> Upgrade equipment for enforcement agencies and increase the usage of CCTV.

> Set up special courts for street crime to speed up the legal process.

2.Combating corruption
> Updating relevant policies, procedures and enforcement to improve global perception.

> Use open or restricted tender process for all government projects with the exception of those sensitive in nature.

3.Widening access to affordable and quality education
> Make pre-school education part of the national education system.

> Ensure all normal pupils are able to read, write and count when they enter Year Four before 2012.

> Reward school principals and headmasters based on the achievements of each school.

> Turn 100 daily smart, cluster, trust and boarding schools into high performing learning centres by 2012.

4.Raising the living standard of the Poor

> Pay out all welfare cash aid on the first of each month from January.

> Create 4,000 women entrepreneurs under the Sahabat Amanah Ikhtiar programme by 2012

5.Improving Infrastructure in rural areas
> Build 1,500km of roads in Sabah and Sarawak by 2012.

> Ensure that no one lives more than 5km from a tarred road in the peninsula by 2012.

> Increase clean water supply to cover 90% of Sabah and Sarawak by the end of 2012.

> Increase electricity coverage in Sabah and Sarawak to 95% by end of 2012.

> Provide 24-hour electricity supply to 7,000 orang asli families in the peninsula by the end of 2012.

6.Improving public transport in the Medium term

> Increase the number of public transport users to 25% by end of 2012 from the present 16%.

> Add 35 sets of four-car-trains to operate on the Kelana Jaya LRT track by the end of 2012.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Guna air lombong

teringat aku kecik-kecik bila tengok gambar ni.

tapi kat mana ni? taman widuri...hah..?

samada gambar ini propaganda utusan atau memang salah pemaju.
asyik-asyik pemaju juga yang salah.

lepas ni ramailah tok-tok menteri dan puak-puak politik datang dan nak bagi bantuan dan janji-janji manis.

sebelum nimana diaorang. tertidur agaknya......

BERITA UTUSAN - 27/7/2009 - guna air LOMBONG
Ketiadaan sistem bekalan air yang sempurna memaksa penduduk Taman Widuri, Bukit Beruntung 3 di Selangor mendapatkan bekalan air dari lombong berhampiran untuk kegunaan seharian seperti membasuh pakaian.Masalah yang sudah berlarutan sejak mereka mendiami kawasan perumahan itu lapan tahun lalu adalah disebabkan sikap pemaju yang tidak menyediakan kemudahan berkenaan sehingga menyusahkan penduduk.Sebagai langkah alternatif, pemaju menyambung sistem bekalan air dari sungai berhampiran tetapi kualiti air tersebut berada pada tahap tidak memuaskan dan tidak sesuai untuk diminum.Penduduk tidak boleh mendapat bekalan air bersih dari Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) kerana kawasan itu tidak bersambung dengan sistem paip utama.

[ gambar atas ] l SeBAHAGIAN penduduk Taman Widuri di Bukit Beruntung 3, Selangor terpaksa menjalani rutin harian membasuh pakaian di lombong berhampiran kerana ketiadaan bekalan air. -

Sunday, July 26, 2009


sampah pun dah jadi satu sumber rezeki.

teringat aku masa kerja dekat lebuhraya ampang bertingkat. ada satu orang yang kerja mencari barang-barang terpakai di tempat pembinaan. lepas beberapa bulan. dia dah beli mtosikal beraga.

kemudian ada van buruk dan masih melilau di kawasan pembinaan kami. entah-entah banyak barang kitaorang yang hilang dia yang sapu.
tapi moralnya dia semakin maju walaupun berniaga sampah.

sampah terbuang akan jadi satu industri baru masa hadapan.
kalau kena gaya teknologi memang boleh buat duit.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

generation behaviour

few years ago when working at one of the project at gebeng,kuantan i had came across with two young fresh engineer which reluctant to use motorbike to supervise our project site. one give medical reason but another didnt give any reason.

even when we recall of our earlier days using motobike also didnt go through their ear.

with so much pressure from me and my bos they still dont want, even dont want to take key of motorbike.
after longand long bashing, finally one of them take but i never saw him ride the bike. during that conversation i had say, i dont care what and how they going to site but at anytime i want to see him at site and dont want to hear any problem from him.
later i saw him go to our site project by either use other person fourwheel jeep or go with somebody else. he will made arrangements to made sure he will be at site.more things improved after that.

why he made such stand?
status of engineer? or embarassed to his other college somewhere?or his father are billionaire?

later i found out it was just issue of generation behaviour.
generations of more entertaiment, new gadgets,movies, sports and internet.
even it was not all behave like that but majority are.
they wont care much about work hard etc.what they want are some money so that they can continue with their entertainment. no feeling of work, responsiblity and bla..bla...

can we change them? YES
How? constant pressure and reminder. but bos will always had high blood pressure when manage and dealing with these kind of young people.

finally when we meet again on another college marriege ceremony years later, i can saw how much more he chance. become more resposible and furthermore he now a father with one daughter.
and even thank for what i 'did' to him and tell story of staff under him now. whwt goes around go around lah.

nothing wrong being young and rebelious but everybody have responsiblity.
reposiblity to work,superior, teamates etc but most important, reposiblity to himself.

Friday, July 24, 2009

when one day your bos be weird......

what happened when one morning your bos which you known for many years never spend any cents to buy anything for any staff tell everybody that, ' today i will buy all of you lunch at restorant bla..bla...'?

what will everybody reaction? what will your reaction?

will you ask, bos what your dream last night? or bos you hit jackpot ahh?
or you quickly say, okey bos no problem ( before he change his mind )?
or all say , takbir!!!!? or will you go to your bos and shake hand with him for congratulations?

or doing opposite of any above as you didin't believe at all and whisk away without saying anything and think that was joke of the year? or somebody might think that bos days in this world are numbered already.

actually nobody know how much courage required for any bos who want to do what he never do in his life. the barrier in his head are so big and not easy to pass through.

so if your bos genuine, please give him chance. you might seen different and better bos after that.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

when no 2 its not even no 2..........

its had been long time since last i wrote about managing bos story. i thought had very good storyline about this but suddently lost my plot and been dry ever since.

but today somebody say to me wahhhhh bos give you power when he is away.
give power or give what..????
why he care? maybe all this while he think he is no 2. Actually he is not wrong when thinking like that due to seniority, age, status and monetory factor.

but bos is bos. they will do whatever they think it was right.either for him or for company. persepsion of his so called no 2 or whatever number are inmaterial.

moral of story is dont even think when you reach no 2, you will automatically been no 1 later.history had prove that many cases happened the other way around.
for those who had been give power, dont be so sure that you are the new bos in the making. work as it was amanah from god.

the story of khalid al walid, muslim warrior jeneral that never defeated in any war are good example. when khalifah ask him to be no 2, he accepted because he is not fighting for umar but Allah swt.

so made wise call when we are in any of above position.

dulu babi, sekarang lilin......

macam-macam orang malaya ni. tak abih satu kesah, timbul kesah lain pulak.

kali ni cerita lilin. orang pegang lilin. pegang liling kat mana? pasal apa?
itulah bila orang top=top ni, buat apa pun jadi perhatian.
hari ni pulak ada mufti komen........ish..ish......

diaorang ni dari cerita orang mati, jadi cerita lilin haram pulak.
dulu kecoh babi yang dah haram nak kena bagi tempat sembelih.

nampak gayanya cerita bas dan elektrik nak naik harga senyap lah lepas ni..... dan kita semua lupa.

siapa sebenarnya yang handal bab-bab media kita ni...?????

siapa pengganas........

siapa pengganas sebenarnya? orang islam ? atau yang macam berita di bawah ni....???

baru belasan tahun dah ada barang baik punya......

mana dia dapat?
siapa yang sponsor beli?
untuk apa?

Schoolgirl, 13, arrested after sub-machine gun found in her wardrobe

By Rebecca Camber and Daniel Bates
Last updated at 11:05 PM on 22nd July 2009

A schoolgirl of 13 has been arrested by armed police after an assault rifle was found hidden in her bedroom.
The M16 automatic machine gun, which is believed to have been placed under a wardrobe by her gangster brother, was discovered wrapped in several pieces of clothing.
Fifteen officers armed with sub-machine guns yesterday stormed a block of flats in Croydon, South London, after a tip-off about the weapon.
Grim discovery: The M16 assault rifle was found in the schoolgirl's bedroom after police stormed the flat in Croydon, South London

Roads were cordoned off and residents ordered to stay in their homes as police searched the fourth floor flat on Monks Hill Estate in Selsdon.
Although the weapon is thought to be a replica, police were awaiting results of a forensic examination last night.
Detectives believe that the girl's older brother, who is a known gang member, smuggled the gun into her bedroom to avoid detection shortly after the family moved into the flat a few weeks ago.
Police subsequently arrested a 19-year-old man last night on suspicion of possession of a firearm.
Neighbours described their shock at the discovery last night. Jeanette Kendrick, 68, a retired veterinary assistant, said: 'About 1pm I looked out of my window and saw dozens of police dressed in riot gear with helmets and shields.
'Some of them were carrying automatic weapons and they had five or six Alsatian dogs with them. I've been here since I was 21 and we've never had anything like this.'
Sergeant Darin Birmingham, who led the raid, said: 'We received information that the young man living here, who is a known gang member, had access to firearms.
'We pieced together the information we had and decided to act immediately in case the firearm was used. If you mess around with weapons we will be at your front door and you will come face to face with an armed response unit.'
A police spokesman added: 'A girl aged 13 was arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm and taken to a South London police station. She has been bailed to return.'
The 5.56mm M16 assault rifle, which can fire up to 900 rounds a minute at a range of 400 metres, has been the U.S. military's workhorse weapon for more than 30 years.
Built by handgun specialists Colt, it has featured in a number of Hollywood action films from Platoon to Predator.

Read more:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

betulkah jambatan ni selamat...?????

berani betul brader ni kata lebuhraya ni selamat.entah berapa lama diaorang senyap pasal ni kita pun tak tahu.

kalau dulu MRR heboh sakan, kita tengok kali ni macamana bila masalah ini melibatkan syarikat besar yang ada pemegang syer yang kuat-kuat.....

adakah konsultant dan kontraktor yang terlibat akan gulung tikar atau tukar nama..????

Litrak: Interchange is safeBy THO XIN YI

LITRAK, the concessionaire of the Damansara-Puchong Expressway (LDP), has assured roadusers that the highway’s Puchong Jaya Interchange is safe for the public to use.

Many roadusers are alarmed by the cracks that have appeared at the base of the bridge.

They found out about the situation from a widely-circulated e-mail titled LDP Puchong Jaya Interchange: Major Crack Line Found, which was obtained from an anonymous blog.

The blogger claimed that the cracks range from 1.25mm to 8.65mm in width while the permissible range is only 0.3mm.

Dass: No new cracks were found during our fortnightly inspection after the cracks were sealed.

The blogger warned of the possibility of the steel being exposed to corrosion and eventually giving way when it could no longer withstand the force of the tension.

“Now comes the final question: Is it safe?” the blogger wrote.

The e-mail caught the attention of Public Works Department (JKR) director-general Datuk Seri Prof Judin Abdul Karim, who visited the site together with his officers and Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) deputy director-general Mohd Shuhaimi Hassan.

Also present were Litrak chief executive officer Sazally Saidi, engineering department senior manager Francisco Anthony Dass and communications head Bhavani Krishna Iyer.

Litrak assured roadusers that the cracks were not a threat to safety.

It also said the blogger had made conclusions without any in-depth knowledge and history of the cracks.

Visible: The cracks at the base of the interchange

“We discovered the cracks during an annual inspection programme conducted last year and started repair works in March this year. The photos taken by the blogger were after the cracks were sealed in May.

“The blogger assumed the width of the cracks based on some markings on the bottom slab when the figures actually represent the length of the cracks in metres,” Sazally said.

Dass said the cracks were most probably due to shrinkage, and that these were only hairline cracks.

“As they were too fine, we had to groove the cracks, seal and inject epoxy inside.

“As advised by our consultant, we have been monitoring the areas repaired regularly to check whether the problem is solved or if new cracks have appeared. That is why we have not painted it till now,” he said.

Dass added that there were no new cracks found during their fortnightly inspection, with the last one held on July 14.

Bhavani said Litrak had no idea who was behind the anonymous blog.

“Many roadusers have e-mailed us to voice their concerns and we have explained the actual situation.

“In fact, we do not mind having a one-to-one session with the blogger as we have nothing to hide,” she said.

berita malaya di bosnia - laki bini buka pekung

- bini indon lawan laki anak sultan -

berita macam ni pun laku sini. puak-puak kafir ni memang suka la cerita dalam kain laki bini orang islam. ada peluang gelodak sana sini apa lagi. boleh la bagi rosak islam dengan orang-orang sini.

macamna kahwin nak bahagia kalau isteri selalu buka cerita suami sana sini.

apa pengajarannya?

kata untung tapi..........

kata untung naik........tapi tariff nak naik jugak...????


"Electricity rates expected to rise 4.9pc
Stage set for Malaysia's electricity rate hike
Electricity rates set to go up"

Tenaga Q3 net profit triples on forex boost

KUALA LUMPUR, July 22 — Malaysia’s largest power producer Tenaga Nasional reported today a tripling of net profit in the third quarter, boosted by forex translation gains, but expects performance for the full year to be satisfactory.

Tenaga, which generates more than two-thirds of the country’s electricity needs, reported a third-quarter net profit of RM1.02 billion compared with 298.8 million ringgit in the year-ago period.

It made forex gains of RM603.2 million due to the strength of the currency during the third quarter, but excluding these, net profit was lower as a result of a significant increase in coal generation costs.

“In the third quarter, we were faced with several incidences of gas curtailment and had to increase the output from coal-fired generations,” said Datuk Che Khalib Mohamad Noh, Tenaga’s chief executive officer.

Tenaga secured coal at US$79.9 per metric tonne in the third quarter, down from US$85.8 in the second quarter, but Che Khalib said the price was still higher than what the company is allowed to pass through to consumers.

The price of coal is expected to average US$90-US$95 per tonne for the full year, he said.

Analysts in Malaysia do not forecast quarterly earnings.

On average, 19 analysts polled by Thomson First Call before the earnings release expected Tenaga to earn RM2.27 billion in net profit for the full year.

The continued slowdown in economic activity, resulting in lower exports for the industrial sector, would lead to weak electricity demand in the near term, Tenaga said.

Tenaga shares closed unchanged at RM8.40 today against a rise of 1.23 percent in the benchmark index but have gained 34 per cent since the beginning of this year. — Reuters

berita malaya di bosnia - bini tikam laki

lemah betul bila tengok berita macam ini kat sini.
tak da cerita lain ka orang malaya ni.

ini cerita bini tikam laki sebab balik lewat dari tengok bola MU lawan malaysia.

atau samada bini atau laki kalau judi malam tu?
atau laki tu terlebih-lebih sokong MU? sampai lupa anak-bini?

apa-apa pun ni cerita selepas bola. orang lain sorak suka, brader ni entah apa nasib dia........

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

di manakah keadilan..

setelah sekian lama perbicaraan, nampaknya yang membunuh bebsa atas sebab-sebab teknikal. walaupun jelas tapi kes ini jadi sebaliknya.adakah kerana pendakwa tak cekap? atau peguam yang sebelah sana handal.

atau memang dah nasib kawan kitaorang ini....

Mokhtar bebas tuduhan bunuh setiausaha di Giant Batu Caves

KUALA LUMPUR: Mahkamah Tinggi di sini, hari ini melepas dan membebaskan seorang pemandu teksi atas tuduhan membunuh dengan menembak seorang setiausaha, Siti Shamiza Ab Karim, di Pasar Raya Giant di sini, empat tahun lalu.

Hakim Datuk Zaharah Ibrahim, membuat keputusan itu selepas mendapati pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan kes prima facie terhadap Mokhtar Mohd Zin, 47, pada akhir kes pendakwaan.

Dalam penghakimannya, Zaharah berkata, terdapat beberapa keraguan dalam kes itu termasuk pengecaman tertuduh, kaitan sebuah kereta dengan peluru yang ditemui dan tiada pistol yang dijadikan bahan bukti.

"Mahkamah mendapati lima saksi yang memberi keterangan melihat tertuduh adalah dalam keadaan sekali lalu saja.

“Tiga saksi (daripada lima saksi) tidak melihat tertuduh dalam keadaan tenang dan seorang daripadanya melihat dalam keadaan tertuduh berpaling dan ketika dirempuh.

"Manakala seorang lagi melihat tertuduh dari belakang. Salah seorang daripada mereka melihat tertuduh ketika diacukan pistol kepadanya. Selepas teliti semua keterangan adalah tidak selamat untuk saya terima pengecaman keempat-empat saksi.

"Seorang lagi saksi (kelima) mendakwa dia melihat tertuduh di televisyen. Saya khuatir gambar tertuduh sudah dipaparkan dalam media dulu, 10 hari selepas kejadian dan sebelum kawad pengecaman," katanya.

Selain itu, terdapat kemusykilan terhadap perbandingan antara peluru yang ditembak pada mangsa dengan peluru yang dijumpai dalam sebuah kereta tetapi tiada penjelasan diberi bila peluru ditemui dalam kereta berkenaan dan kaitannya.

"Timbul keraguan bagaimana peluru itu dikaitkan dengan pistol yang tidak pernah ditemui. Oleh itu pendakwa gagal buktikan kes prima facie dan tertuduh dilepas dan dibebaskan dari tuduhan tanpa dipanggil bela diri," katanya.

Terdahulu, Zaharah berkata, pegawai penyiasat yang menyatakan telah menemui satu telefon bimbit di sebelah mangsa hanya mengetahui ia (telefon bimbit) milik tertuduh melalui maklumat dari orang lain dan tiada telefon bimbit yang dikemukakan serta tiada saksi yang menunjukkan ia telefon bimbit tertuduh.

Mokhtar dituduh menembak mati Siti Shamiza, setiausaha syarikat Bumi Highway, 30, ketika rompakan di tempat letak kereta di Pasar Raya Giant, Batu Caves, jam 1.45 petang, 19 Mac 2005.

Mokhtar yang berada di kandang saksi kelihatan tenang apabila mendengar keputusan hakim dan ketika ditanya pemberita apa perasaannya, dia berkata: "Tidak boleh cerita perasaan saya sekarang, Alhamdulillah saya berserah kepada takdir."

Ahli keluarganya yang turut hadir kelihatan gembira bagaimanapun Mokhtar masih lagi digari untuk dibawa ke penjara kerana mempunyai dua pertuduhan di Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam.

Dia menghadapi tuduhan mengikut Seksyen 307 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu cuba membunuh Ong Wooi Chong dan tuduhan mengikut Seksyen 4 Akta Senjata Api (Penalti Lebih Berat) 1971 kerana menggunakan pistol untuk merompak kereta Perodua Kancil milik seorang setiausaha, Nor Haslinda Abdul Hamid.

Sepanjang perbicaraan kes bunuh itu, seramai 13 saksi pendakwaan memberi keterangan.

Pendakwaan dijalankan oleh Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Hidayatul Shuhaida Shamsudin manakala Mokhtar diwakili peguam Surjan Singh. - Bernama

after war

kenangan pahit selepas perang....

Bosnian Serb pair jailed for burning Muslims alive

By Aaron Gray-Block
THE HAGUE (Reuters) -

Bosnian Serb cousins Milan and Sredoje Lukic were convicted by the Yugoslavia war crimes tribunal on Monday of burning dozens of Bosnian Muslims alive in the country's 1992-1995 war.

Former Bosnian Serb paramilitary Milan Lukic (R) arrives to hear the judgement at the U.N. war crimes tribunal in the The Hague July 20, 2009. (REUTERS/Ed Oudenaarden/Pool)
Milan Lukic, 41, who prosecutors said led a Serb paramilitary group known as the "White Eagles" or "Avengers", was sentenced by the tribunal in The Hague to life in prison for killing at least 119 Bosnians in two incidents in June 1992.

Sredoje Lukic, 48, who prosecutors said was also a member of the unit, was given 30 years imprisonment. The court ruled it had not been proved that he was present at one of the attacks.

Both men had pleaded not guilty to all charges and said they were not present in the eastern Bosnian town of Visegrad at the time of the crimes. Defence lawyers had requested acquittals.

"The perpetration by Milan Lukic and Sredoje Lukic of crimes in this case is characterised by a callous and vicious disregard for human life," Judge Patrick Robinson said.

The court found about 59 Bosnian Muslims were burned alive in a house set ablaze with an accelerant and an explosive, while at least 60 people died after being barricaded inside another home before grenades were thrown into the building.

Judge Robinson said the court found Milan Lukic guilty of both incidents, adding he played a dominant role in the attacks in that he personally closed the door of one of the houses, set them on fire and shot at people who tried to escape.

The court found Sredoje Lukic was not present at the second incident, but his presence at the first "substantially contributed to the deaths" despite the fact he did not set fire to the house or shoot at the victims.

Bakira Hasecic, president of support group 'Women-Victims of War', said she hoped both men would be tried by Bosnia's own war crimes court for rapes and torture for which they were not indicted in The Hague.

"They only concentrated on the gravest crimes but it is only 5 percent of all the crimes they committed," said Hasecic, herself a rape victim during the war.

Milan Lukic was convicted on 21 counts of crimes against humanity and violations of laws or customs of war, including murder, inhumane acts, cruel treatment and extermination. Sredoje was convicted on seven counts.

Milan Lukic was also convicted of shooting and killing 12 Bosnian Muslim men on the bank of the River Drina.

After seven years on the run, he was arrested in Argentina in August 2005. Sredoje surrendered to Bosnian Serb authorities the following month. Their trial started in July last year.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

rahsia minda jutawan

nak promosi buku ni sikit......

masa transit lama di istanbul sempat juga habis buku yang dah lama terperam.

beberapa perkara pasal buku ini adalah :-

1. diri anda mencerminkan minda anda
2. kesedaran pada kekayaan
3. blueprint yang betul berkenaan kekayaan
4. matlamat kewangan yang jelas
5. menggunakan kekuatan minda separa sedar
6. kayakinan dan kepercayaan diri yang hebat

secara amnya mengubah minda adalah perkara yang sangat utama. bukan sahaja cerita jutawan, malahan meningkatkan keupayaan berkerja dan perkara-perkara berkaitan dengan kehidupan serta bebas dari tekanan adalah juga berkait rapat dengan minda kita.

dalam mencari kebebasan kewangan atau financial freedom, pengubahan minda dari minda pekerja kepada minda jutawan adalah perlu.kemudian diikuti dengan matlamat serta plan dan stategi sebelum memulakan.

ada orang tidak percaya bila dikatakan kita boleh menjadi jutawan walaupun dengan berkerja makan gaji sahaja. bagaimana ada orang yang berkerja berjaya melakukannya?

ada juga yang bersara awal sebelum umur 55 tahun setelah mencapai kebebasan kewangan.bagaimana?

semuanya masih belum terlambat. ayuh...!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

cerita emas dan babi

masa kat malaya baru-baru ini, dua cerita ini dari negeri merong mahawangsa yang asyik keluar dari media-media.

mula-mula cerita babi sampai habis otak orang-orang sana yang ada dikepala atas pindah ke kepala lutut.semua jadi sasau pasal babi.padahal tempat sebelih babi tu dah berpuluh-puluh tahun sana tiada sapa yang peduli.dah berjuta-juta kena sembelih.

tiba-tiba keluar cerita emas pulak. babi tiba-tiba lari entah kemana. hari-hari tunjuk orang korek emas. tapi bila ada pakar kata emas tu bukan emas.semua pun senyap.

jadi itulah kerja media. provok sana sini.lepastu belah.macam tak ada apa2 yang berlaku.

tukang-tukang buat cerita karut ini tak takut azab kubur ke..???

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

bosnia kembali

akhirnya setelah menempuh perjalanan yang memakan masa hampir 24 jam melalui kota singa dan istanbul aku kembali memijak tanah bosnia.terasa lemah dan ingatan terhadap malaya tersangat kuat.
perjalanan kali ini lancar walaupun menunggu terlalu lama untuk penerbangan seterusnya terutama di stanbul yang hampir 10 jam menunggu.
tumpuan aku bila berjalan masih kepada tempat solat. di changi walaupun tempat yang disediakan adalah untuk semua agama, tapi muslim yang menggunakan.ada tempat wuduk juga dan aku sempat solat dengan warga singa serta pengembara yang lain.ramail juga orang yang berjemaah pada masa itu.
tapi lain pula di istanbul.walaupun tempat solat adalah untuk orang islam sepenuhnya tapi mendukacitakan bila puak-puak afrika ambil kesempatan untuk tidur. dan ada yang berdenkur pula. lebih sedih pula, keadaan tidak berubah bila masuk waktu.ada yang masih tidur, ada yang duduk-duduk saja.tiada solat jemah. ada satu kumpulan puak tabligh pun tidak buat apa-apa. mereka pandang saja terutama bila aku mula solat.munkin masih letih agaknya.

di istanbul yang bersolat adalah penumpang kapal terbang dan tiada langsung staf-staf muslim yang berkerja di lapangan terbang.lain pula di changi, majoriti yang bersolat pada masa itu adalah pekerja-pekerja muslim.

adakah lain padang, lain belalang?
adakah itu bezanya muslim nusantara dengan afrika?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

cakap senang, buat susah

semalam aku terbaca komen seorang penulis yang kata orang islam dah ada solat yang ada berbagai-bagai khasiat untuk umat tapi masih mencari keadah-kaedah lain seprti tai-chi, qiqong, senaman dan sebagainya.

tapi mamat ni tak pulak huraikan macamana cara-cara solat yang membolehkan kita mendapat segala-gala kesihatan dan ketenangan dan sebagainya.bagi kenyataan macamtu memang senang tapi macamana nak tunjukkan yang solat tu benar-benar dapat memberi apa yang kita hendak tu yang susah.

dia tak salah kata solat ada segala-galanya......tapi kenapa walaupun bersolat kita masih tak dapat apa yang kita inginkan..?
adakah solat kita masih belum betul-betul solat?
adakah kita tak diajar solat yang benar-benar diamalkan oleh nabi?
adakah solat kita sekarang sekadar tunduk bangun dan baca apa yang perlu baca?
bagaimanakah solat yang dapat memberi ketenangan yang abadi?
apakah teknik-tekniknya? samada ianya dah hilang dari orang islam atau kita memang tak tahu?

soalan-soalan inilah yang bermain di benakku sejak sekian lama.....

akhirnya aku menyedari yang teknik-tekniknya telah lama hilang dari kalangan kita atas sebab hanya tuhan saja yang tahu.sebab itulah ramai yang masih mengagau dalam terang.......

pencarian yang sangat sukar dan berliku.......adakah cahaya dihujung terowong..???

kering..dan kering......

dah beberapa hari tak menulis. otak terasa beku.

rasa malas nak balik ke bosnia mula timbul.
tapi aku tengok kat tv tadi, bosniak mengingati hari ini tarikh pembunuhan beramai-ramai di sebrenica.tak dapatlah aku tengok sendiri macamana sambutan mereka.
ingatan mereka terhadap perang masih banyak nostalgia sedih.serb kalah tapi negara bosnia untuk muslim makin kecil.terpaksa di kongsi dengan puak-puak lain.

apakah harapan yang perang tidak akan berulang lagi..????

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

keadilan dihalang..???

tahun ni dah lima tahun kami ke kuantan nak selesaikan kes mahkamah lawan cimb bank.
tapi kali ini juga hakim menangguhkan ke bulan november kerana bank bawa satu saja saksi padahal mereka dah daftar nak bawa dua saksi.
lepas ni apa pulak helah bank dan apa yang hakim boleh buat..???

dulu bank kata tak jumpa saksi...tangguh kes. pastu kata saksi tak jumpa..tangguh kes...pastu bank tak bawa saksi..tangguh lagi. semalam bank bawa satu saksi saja.
begitulah helah2 bank bila kes tidak memihak kepada mereka.bayangkan kalau kes ini diaorang cukup dokumen dan bukti.......tak bernafas lah kitaorang.
dalam masa lima tahun, hakim selalu tukar, lawyer bank juga tukar.

itulah yang jadi bila individu lawan organisasi besar.
mereka ada banyak stamina. ada wang untuk teruskan walaupun kes tidak memihak mereka.kalau kalah, boleh rayu.

orang kata, justice delayed, justice denied.....ada betulkah?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

selamat hari jadi kembar.....

walaupun dah tiga minggu lewat, dapat juga sambut harijadi dengan si kembar di sekolah mereka semalam......

Saturday, July 4, 2009

nasib melayu......dulu DEB...sekarang..????

tengok carta kemajuan DEB dari 1970 hingga 2007 ( utusan malaysia,5 julai 2009 ):-

apa itu EKUINAS ( ekuiti nasional berhad ).....???
bila ada benda baru, adakah yang lama dah tak guna lagi?
betulkah DEB tak capai sasaran? atau sasaran orang melayu saja tak capai tapi yang lain capai?
yang ramai melalak kenapa?

adakah kaum bukan bumiputra tak dapat apa-apa dari DEB? lihat bawah

1970 :

bumiputra = 2.4%
bukan bumiputra = 34.3%
asing = 63.3%

2007 :

bumiputra = 19.4%
bukan bumiputra = 43.9%
asing = 30.1%
nomini = 6.6%

ini teori bijak pandai kita sekarang...bila kurang orang pangkah, bahagian orang lain yang kena lepas.

adakah bila kuota dihapuskan, maka ekonomi malaysia akan menjadi sangat baik?

adakah dulu ekonomi merosot disebabkan quota?

hanya jauhari yang mengenal maknikam

atau tak dapat tanduk, telinga dipulas?

Friday, July 3, 2009

babi punya pasal

babi ni dikatakan salah satu perkataan asal orang melayu.
dah la haram, sebut saja babi orang melayu dah menyampah tapi ada satu puak melayu suka sangat babi ni.
dulu di selangor, puak ni kecoh pasal babi.sekarang di kedah, puak ni kecoh juga pasal babi.hari-hari keluar tv cerita babi.

dap pulak, jadi bodoh bila kandang babi haram kena roboh. adun pun jadi bebas pasal babi.mca dan gerakan suka gila bila kandang babi kena roboh sebab boleh laga-lagakan pas dan dap.

tapi bila kandang babi berlambak kat kampung melayu macam di melaka, sepang, tambun semua jadi bisu.

dulu aku pernah kerja dua tahun di tambun masa buat lebuhraya.habis satu pekan busuk bau babi ni.sungai pinji tu gelap gelemat airnya. entah ada ikan ka tak ada lagi.pagi-pagi bau tu dah masuk hidung semua orang. tapi tak ada sapa pun yang kecoh-kecoh atau masuk tv macam sekarang. biar saja orang tambun macam tu.
di situ juga ada satu ladang babi yang kedua terbesar di asia tenggara. eksport sampai rata-rata dunia babi ni. munkin sebab tu semua jadi bisu.
bisnes baik rupanya!!!
aku sampai sekarang dah tak lalu nak makan limau bali tambun. tiap-tiap kalu lalu kat situ rasa nak muntah.

babi..oh babi.....

melayu tak suka babi, cina suka babi. macamana nak cari jalan tengah..?????

Thursday, July 2, 2009

apa nak jadi.......

bila tengok iklan kerja ni aku tiba-tiba rasa bengang,marah dan racist juga.

kalau kita melayu bagi komen kata menidakkan hak-hak minoriti. kalau terang-terang macam ni, nak kata apa?
bab macam ini aku setuju dgn che bila kita yang kata apa-apa, kata kita ianya berbau perkauman.
yang atas tu tak ke?

dan lagi teruk, mamat tu rela dikudakan......

alahai...warna hijau...........

aku pun tak paham apa yang aku tengok hari ini.

dulu orang kecoh lambang petronas warna hijau yang ada lambang bulan. sampai phobia semua orang dan lambang petronas yang tak bersalah tu kena tukar.

hari ini aku tengok perkara yang hampir sama tapi yang sedih kali ini berlaku di sebuah pusat pengajian tinggi. urusetia tidak bagi pelajar-pelajar yang baru daftar pakai pakaian hijau sebab takut masalah bila ambil gambar.latar belakang tempat ambil gambar tu hijau kata diaorang. kebetulan atau sengaja supaya boleh bagitau pelajar jangan pakai hijau tak pastilah aku.

warna hijau ini juga mengganggu pusat pengajian tinggi kita.ingatkan mereka lebih risau bila muda-mudi dah tak berakhlak lagi, yang berpeleseran, yang tak ingat agama lagi dan sebagainya.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

the day i felt losing my little daughter......

since i back home for short trip, everyday i send my little daughter to her kindergarten but at that time also she crying when we on the way.

today i aslo almost cry as i felt loosing my daughter eventhough she with me. and she is not the first. the other older daughter also done like this last time.but later, it was resolve with time pass through.

didnt i learn something? or i didnt have chance to change it? or i keep continue the same thing eventhough i know already?

i have no definate answer. i already try but things change when its look like i already reconsile with my both daughter one year ago.everythings back to normal and all us have very good relationship.

but the bom drop sometime in february that i had to be away to bosnia. after fighting and fighting with top people, we finally settle for six months but now i realise it was disaster to me now. the remedy is not as easy as i thought. but that what god want for time being.....

i had to fight and fight again for something i lost. and it will be a long,long battle....

to my the other half, please help me...

buku baru

Arrive 22.2.2025 Mula tengok buku ini aku tertarik dengan dua benda yang berkaitan dengan hidup aku. Pertama klang. Klang ada te...