Tuesday, August 3, 2021

father story 2

Copypaste from FB

Sangat terkesan. Thank you for sharing sir. My mother passed away five years ago, and my father left us last year a week after Covid-19 was announced a pandemic. Like you, my mother was everything - my whole world if you may, and similar to you, my father was, once upon a time, a source of annoyance to me. No, he was not abusive at all. In fact, my father, straight as an arrow that he was, had quite a wicked sense of humour.  It's just that we were always at loggerheads on just about anything. He was a disciplinarian and I was the wayward son - the odd one. He was thrifty and I am definitely on the opposite end of the spectrum. "Innal mubazirin kanu ikhwaansyayaatin," he would bellow each time I came back with loads of shopping bags in hand. Many joked about how much I looked like my father, and how similar my demeanours were to my mother. Alhamdulillah, being single had allowed me all the extra time with both my parents right to the very end. Yes, I miss both of them dearly. These days, when people asked me what I'd do next, my answer is simple - kalau ikut umur nabi, aku ada 8 tahun je lagi. Kalau ikut umur mak, ada 25 tahun lagi. Kalau ikut umur ayah, ada 40 tahun! So, I shall take my time, one day at a time. Untuk yang masih ada mak ayah, pesanan dan nasihat Abang Nik adalah amanat penting. Allah maha mengetahui.

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