Friday, December 13, 2019

176. High performance team

176. Opposite of High performance team.

Nota lama terjumpa. Good as reminder.

Top 10 things you should not do in a high performance team:
10. Unclear goals and plans;
9. Have unproductive meetings;
8. Vague roles for team members;
7. Deadlock;
6. Exhibit ineffective team leadership;
5. Encourage negative relationship;
4. Poor communication;
3. Inefficient operation;
2. Engage in conflict;
1. Being a problem instead of problem solver.

visit orang klang

  15.12.2024 Hari ni RGH di kunjungi jiran lama sri andalas, hj azam. Dia baru balik dari KT dan otw ke kuantan dan klang. Semua reaksi: 6 6...