Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Core Areas of Knowledge and Skills Required by Chief Executive Officers

The chief executive officer is the overall, primary management and leadership role in the organization. Therefore, it's critical that chief executive officers have strong knowledge and skills in a wide variety of areas. However, there are certain basic areas of knowledge and skills which provide the foundation from which chief executive officers can add knowledge and skills customized to the particular nature of their organization, its industry (service, manufacturing, wholesale, etc.) and the current environment (political, social, economic and technological).

Basics in Management and Leadership
- Managing Yourself
- Basic, Entry-Level Skills in Organizational Management
- Core Competencies for Leading
- Boards of Directors

- Business Planning (plan a new business organization, product, business department, etc.)
- Strategic Planning (establish organizational goals and how to reach them)

- Human Resources Management
- Organizing Staff
- Organizing Various Types of Groups
- Organizing a New Business (whether for-profit or nonprofit)
- Re-Organizing a Current Business

-Leading Other Individuals
-Leading Groups
-Leading Organizations

Coordinating Activities and Resources (including performance management)
- Ethics Management Systems
- Finances (For-Profit) or Finances (Nonprofit)
- Fundraising (For-Profit) or Fundraising (Nonprofit)
- Employee Performance Management
- Group Performance Management
- Organizational Change Management
- Organizational Performance Management
- Policies and Procedures
- Product/Service Management
- Program Management
- Marketing and Promotions and
- Public and Media Relations

visit orang klang

  15.12.2024 Hari ni RGH di kunjungi jiran lama sri andalas, hj azam. Dia baru balik dari KT dan otw ke kuantan dan klang. Semua reaksi: 6 6...