Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Core Areas of Knowledge and Skills Required by Chief Executive Officers

The chief executive officer is the overall, primary management and leadership role in the organization. Therefore, it's critical that chief executive officers have strong knowledge and skills in a wide variety of areas. However, there are certain basic areas of knowledge and skills which provide the foundation from which chief executive officers can add knowledge and skills customized to the particular nature of their organization, its industry (service, manufacturing, wholesale, etc.) and the current environment (political, social, economic and technological).

Basics in Management and Leadership
- Managing Yourself
- Basic, Entry-Level Skills in Organizational Management
- Core Competencies for Leading
- Boards of Directors

- Business Planning (plan a new business organization, product, business department, etc.)
- Strategic Planning (establish organizational goals and how to reach them)

- Human Resources Management
- Organizing Staff
- Organizing Various Types of Groups
- Organizing a New Business (whether for-profit or nonprofit)
- Re-Organizing a Current Business

-Leading Other Individuals
-Leading Groups
-Leading Organizations

Coordinating Activities and Resources (including performance management)
- Ethics Management Systems
- Finances (For-Profit) or Finances (Nonprofit)
- Fundraising (For-Profit) or Fundraising (Nonprofit)
- Employee Performance Management
- Group Performance Management
- Organizational Change Management
- Organizational Performance Management
- Policies and Procedures
- Product/Service Management
- Program Management
- Marketing and Promotions and
- Public and Media Relations

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Quranic way of life

Interesting comipilation from FB friend.

Quranic Way of Life

Some of the lessons learnt from Quran that apply to our general living!

1. Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, colour, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70]

2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception [33/70]

3. Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17/53, 2/83]

4. Do not shout. Speak politely keeping your voice low. [31/19]

5. Always speak the truth. Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious [22/30]

6. Do not confound truth with falsehood [2/42]

7. Say with your mouth what is in your heart [3/167]

8. Speak in a civilised manner in a language that is recognised by the society and is commonly used [4/5]

9. When you voice an opinion, be just, even if it is against a relative [6/152]

10. Do not be a bragging boaster [31/18]

11. Do not talk, listen or do anything vain [23/3, 28/55]

12. Do not participate in any paltry. If you pass near a futile play, then pass by with dignity [25/72]

13. Do not verge upon any immodesty or lewdness whether surreptitious or overt [6/151].

14. If, unintentionally, any misconduct occurs by you, then correct yourself expeditiously [3/134].

15. Do not be contemptuous or arrogant with people [31/18]

16. Do not walk haughtily or with conceit [17/37, 31/18]

17. Be moderate in thy pace [31/19]

18. Walk with humility and sedateness [25/63]

19. Keep your gazes lowered devoid of any lecherous leers and salacious stares [24/30-31, 40/19].

20. If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full knowledge is a trivial matter. But it might have grave consequences [24/15-16]

21. When you hear something malicious about someone, keep a favourable view about him/her until you attain full knowledge about the matter.  Consider others innocent until they are proven guilty with solid and truthful evidence [24/12-13]

22. Ascertain the truth of any news, lest you smite someone in ignorance and afterwards repent of what you did [49/6]

23. Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify it for yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning [17/36].

24. Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and nobody knows more than yourself. Remember! Above everyone endowed with knowledge is another endowed with more knowledge [12/76]. Even the Prophet [p.b.u.h] was asked to keep praying, "O My sustainer! Advance me in knowledge." [20:114]

25. The believers are but a single Brotherhood. Live like members of one family, brothers and sisters unto one another [49/10].

26. Do not make mockery of others or ridicule others [49/11]

27. Do not defame others [49/11]

28. Do not insult others by nicknames [49/11]

29. Avoid suspicion and guesswork. Suspicion and guesswork might deplete your communal energy [49/12]

30. Spy not upon one another [49/12]

31. Do not backbite one another [49/12]

32. When you meet each other, offer good wishes and blessings for safety. One who conveys to you a message of safety and security and also when a courteous greeting is offered to you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous or (at least) of equal courtesy [4/86]

33. When you enter your own home or the home of somebody else, compliment the inmates [24/61]

34. Do not enter houses other than your own until you have sought permission; and then greet the inmates and wish them a life of blessing, purity and pleasure [24/27]

35. Treat kindly Your parents, Relatives, The orphans And those who have been left alone in the society [4/36]

36. Take care of the needy, the disabled, those whose hard earned income is insufficient to meet their needs, And those whose businesses have stalled, And those who have lost their jobs. [4/36]

37. Treat kindly Your related neighbours, and unrelated neighbours, Companions by your side in public gatherings, or public transportation. [4/36]

38. Be generous to the needy wayfarer, the homeless son of the street, and the one who reaches you in a destitute condition [4/36]

39. Be nice to people who work under your care. [4/36]

40. Do not follow up what you have given to others to afflict them with reminders of your generosity [2/262].

41. Do not expect a return for your good behaviour, not even thanks [76/9]

42. Cooperate with one another in good deeds and do not cooperate with others in evil and bad matters [5/2]

43. Do no try to impress people on account of self-proclaimed virtues [53/32]

44. You should enjoin right conduct on others but mend your own ways first. Actions speak louder than words. You must first practice good deeds yourself, then preach [2/44]

45. Correct yourself and your families first [before trying to correct others] [66/6]

46. Pardon gracefully if anyone among you who commits a bad deed out of ignorance, and then repents and amends [6/54, 3/134]

47. Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy, and become a source of tranquillity and comfort to people [3/134]

48. Call people to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful exhortation. Reason with them most decently [16/125]

49. Leave to themselves those who do not give any importance to the Divine code and have adopted and consider it as mere play and amusement [6/70]

50. Sit not in the company of those who ridicule Divine Law unless they engage in some other conversation [4/140]

51. Do not be jealous of those who are blessed [4/54]

52. In your coll ective life, make rooms for others [58/11]

53. When invited to dine, Go at the appointed time. Do not arrive too early to wait for the preparation of meal or linger after eating to engage in bootless babble. Such things may cause inconvenience to the host [33/53]

54. Eat and drink [what is lawful] in moderation [7/31].

55. Do not squander your wealth senselessly [17/26]

56. Fulfil your promises and commitments [17/34]

57. Keep yourself clean, pure [9/108, 4/43, 5/6].

58. Dress-up in agreeable attire and adorn yourself with exquisite character from inside out [7/26]

59. Seek your provision only by fair endeavour [29/17, 2/188]

60. Do not devour the wealth and property of others unjustly, nor bribe the officials or the judges to deprive others of their possessions [2/188]

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Ohhh rupees

Last week indian government pull out rupeess 500 and 1000 to combat coruptions.

How true the theory I am not sure but somebody told me they expected 3 trillion will be dissapear forever.

Kalau tengok cara2 penyagak duit simpan duit dalam drama hindi munkin ada betoi.

Nasib baik aku dah tukar semua.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Will crown prince survived?


Beberapa bulan lepas maharaja telah mendengar berita dari si kitam yang putera mahkota sedang melobi projek baru dengan saudagar MahCai dari Kota Ahsing.

Cerita minggu lepas.

Crown prince slash his no 1 assistant and force him out.

Cerita minggu sebelum tu.

The king freeze one of crown prince assistance.

Cerita minggu sebelum tu lagi.

The king nominate new candidate for Crown prince post.

Ini sudah kes marah anak, pukul menantu.

Will crown prince survived?

Drama ulang tayang sejak 40 tahun dulu......

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Kuliah tafsir

Info dari kawan jenan shamy Shamsudin jr:-
Bagi sesiapa yg nak belajar part-time. Bolih dtg ke madrasah
Hari Isnin malam....9 mlm
Hari Selasa malam...9 mlm
Hari Rabu malam...9 mlm
Hari Khamis malam...9 mlm

Hari ahad pagi.... 9 pagi

Terbuka pd lelaki dan perempuan.

Juga free

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Sebuah catatan personal semasa aku berkerja selama enam bulan di bumi yang menyaksikan tragedi konflik kaum dan agama yang paling tragis di abad ini.

Draft telah siap dan aku masih menunggu beberapa komen dari sahabat-sahabat terdekat.

malangnya aku tak boleh download sini.

visit orang klang

  15.12.2024 Hari ni RGH di kunjungi jiran lama sri andalas, hj azam. Dia baru balik dari KT dan otw ke kuantan dan klang. Semua reaksi: 6 6...