Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Hari ni lagenda bola dunia meninggal akibat serangan jantung pada usia 60 tahun.
Seorang pemain yang penuh skill Serta kontroversi di luar padang.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

sembang deraih

Dulu sembang ja puak2 walaun.

Sekarang bila tembolok penuh, angguk ja lah


Setelah setahun special one jadi Bo's spurs, pagi ni mereka berada to top liga setelah menang dengan MC

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

horse and water

Jawapan yang menarik dari soalan provokasi Hari ni :

Assalamualaikum Ayahanda, mohon izin berkongsi pandangan 😊


1- kill the horse 🐴
Easy, but it might worsen the problems that we have. We do not know how is the new one will cope with us.

2- Punish the horse 🐴
If the horse can take it as a lesson then the horse will grew and change for the better. But if the horse can't take it, it will be personal, a revenge.

3. Get a new one.
This is a challenge. A new approach. A new perspective.Might be the one we are waiting for. The beacon of hope. But it may be the devils that wears Prada. Looks good on the surface, but inside, killing us faster than the old one.

4. Understand the horse 🐴
A very tiring and complicated process. We will not like it. But if we endure the pain to understand than we will get to look at the bigger picture. The root of the problem.
There lies the solution, the answer that we are looking for.

Monday, November 9, 2020

semakin terok

Bila dunia sudah jadi sasaran.

Semua semakin lingkup

Tambah pulak ada tukang bekap bagi fatwa.

Where do we go from here?????

Thursday, November 5, 2020


Tahniah kepada geng Gebeng dulu yang dah meningkat menjadi kontraktor.
Dulu buat lab, kemudiannya jadi safety.

Pernah sub buat tiles untuk aku di Batu Pahat.
Tahniah bro amran.

buku baru

Arrive 22.2.2025 Mula tengok buku ini aku tertarik dengan dua benda yang berkaitan dengan hidup aku. Pertama klang. Klang ada te...