after seeing and read this article, i remember my conversation few weeks ago with my the other half and ex staff which complaining about their bos. surprisingly both of their boses are women.
one of the boses seem to scold staff on petty-petty things like she angry with her children. she also cannot admit her fault and always pass her wrongdoings to any of staff. all staff under her work under very tremendous presure.
when i ask what had you do as 'macai' to manage her bos, she said they had try to adjust themself to accomodate with her style but result still the same. looks like their bos will never change.
how i going to resolve this? if bos cannot change their atitute and make the department a happy place to work ,no wonder the only choice for staff is pray for her to be transffered out !!!!
the other bos always 'kuda'kan same person to do the work because she didint trust others as assignment might not complete or done not as her satisfaction.
in is case the same horse will always be used and other horse had nothing to do.
so both boses mentioned above will never be great leader eventhough they might achive what they want. their subordinates might revolt when time comes.